Naturistenweg Undeloh

more info:(german only)

Wandering Skintight with Nature

You are now invited to wander on foot or by bike for up to 6 miles naked in the Luneburger Heathland (Lüneburger Heide). Everyone can use the path the whole year round and go Naked, naturally you can also use it clothed if you do not feel like being naked or if it is too cold.

We are very pleased that by a combined effort our idea for a usable 'Naturist Way', in North Germany, has been realised, and found fruitful ground with the Mayor, Community and Landholders of the Undeloh District.

The start and end point can be found at the Car Park South West of Wesel, in the direction of Wehlen (see the map: click to enlarge). From here your naked amble or bike ride can begin. You can find places to stay or overnight accommodation in Wesel and Undeloh.

If you do not want to wander on your own you can join a number of walks that take place regularly during the warmer months.

Since Easter 2017 there are also trail markers, a yellow „N“ on trees and signposts. The municipality of Undeloh has had to enforce the permission to do so. Just follow these markings and stay on Naturistenweg! In Downloads you will also find digital maps for Sat Navs and Mobile Phones. Here are also directions with photos (clockwise and counter), which you can print out. You can also print the map and take it with you.

It is also important to remember that the 'Naturist Way' is in a Nature Conservation Area. Please ensure that you abide by the regulations. A part of the original route has had to be cut because locals complained that people could wander into areas reserved for hunters.
Mosquitoes and Ticks will of course be found in the Nature Conservation Area, but hopefully with appropriate precautions you can protect yourself. Mobile phone signals are only possible in parts of the Heath.
At Dawn and Dusk there is a possibility of hunters in the area. Please observe quietness at all times and is to be strictly adhered to, at the least, an hour after sunrise and an hour before sunset.

If you should be able to get lost in spite of the markings and get off the Naturistenweg, please take some clothes on, especially near to street, farmstead and village. This also applies to the small street where the parking lot (start and end point of the route) is located. The road is small and has little traffic, but leads into the next village Wehlen.

A book of basic tips for 'Naked Walking' can be found in „Nacktwandern“ by Nicole Wunram, priced about £6.50 from any good bookstore (This is only available in German at the moment).

We will be pleased to receive your impressions and experiences; send us a brief email.

We wish you a very enjoyable experience on the Undeloh 'Naturist Way'.

Project Group 'Naturist Way' Undeloh.

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